The truth is known from fools and children.

Not yet born and already sneezing.

If we are not prophets, from prophets we descend.

One who raises a child spins gold.

A head of wood.

Raise crows and they will pick your eyes out.

Where there is love there is pain.

Long hair, short in sense.

God doesn't strike with both hands.

He sends spittle and gets back mucus.

The king's jackass has pissed at my door.

Into a closed mouth flies cannot enter.

The big fish eat the small fish.

Taking your foot out of the mud.

A snake that doesn't bite me, may it live a thousand years!

A barking dog doesn't bite.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

When the queen grows a beard.

Falsehood has short legs.

An ass without breeches.

The camel doesn't see its own hump(s).

One who spits at the sky/ heaven gets it back in the face.

What grows in the garden is what the gardener sows.

From a flea they make a camel.

Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas.

All roads are not straight.

{First} look at the mother, {then} take the daughter.

When the cat is out of the house, the mice have a ball.

An uncertain friend: {keep} one eye closed and the other open.

As is his nose, so is his penis.

Both feet in the same shoe.

Who lives with cats learns to meow.

You spit in his face, he thinks it is raining.

With farts you don't make eggs.

One ass makes another.

The rich man's rooster lays eggs; the poor man's hen lays none.

The mouse runs and runs and finally falls into the trap.

Face of evil.

Winning and losing are close companions.

He/ she speaks with half a mouth.

From the rose comes the thorn; from the thorn comes the rose.

A mother who bore snakes felt pity for them.

Every rooster sings in his own coop.

Before marrying, look at what you are doing.

From your footsteps we shall see good fortune.

Traces of Sepharad (Huellas de Sefarad), Etchings of Judeo-Spanish Proverbs.
Cervantes: A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience. The proverbs of the Jews expelled from Spain in 1492, in Ladino, medieval Spanish. All texts are bilingual.
Text: Antonio Muñoz Molina; Professor T.A. Perry; Marc Shanker.
Images: Marc Shanker.
Etchings & Aquatints.
12” x 9.” Fabriano Tiepolo. Digital & Unique Editions. 2008.